A Conspiracy of Being

eric mccarty
2 min readOct 2, 2020
A Conspiracy of Being — Poetry — Aware — Nonduality

A conspiracy of being:

it’s all a conspiracy of being, that somehow the universe exist in such a way for my existence, and in any differing point of infinite chance, it all simply could be other. I am because everything is just so, balanced, and harmonize for the sake of being. With no idea of why this is true and no wish to assigned a higher purpose other than a wish for life — I exist and this is cause for deep gratitude from my end. None of this ever had to be and only by great fortune it is so. I am alive and I am grateful.

this is a conspiracy of what’s unseen, not of power but of grace — it’s a universe of design without a grand designer in place to call for order. It’s existence in conspiracy with itself, perhaps surprised to find itself aware of all that is occurring, a spontaneous awakening expressed as individual sense of being. I have no idea and of course this is only speculation. To find myself aware is my own surprise, a big bang of smaller proportion yet equal measure — I have come from seemingly nothing, nowhere, and found myself a complete system of balancing events that all occur beyond any thought of my control. At this point I only know that I exist, an aspect of life with a wish to be expressed.

a conspiracy of being, it’s something that holds these gathered things together — without question I am infinite particles, molecules, and…



eric mccarty

Writer, prose poetry, meditation teacher and lifetime student