Member-only story
A Writer’s World
A writer’s world:
there’s always something to write about, subjects abound, and all we ever need to do is settle our minds for an instant and inspiration is immediately received. Writing really is that simple. Yes, sometimes there might come a struggle for just the right words to arrive, or perhaps a theme no longer seems to capture our imagination and our words begin to ring hollow. Everything’s a possibility in a writer’s world — except for failure of inspiration to be present in our lives, always available, guiding our minds.
a writers’s world is inspired…
simply by virtue of being a writer.
everything’s a story to be told.
and that’s the secret to writing, for all artist really, to let go of our selective demands of inspiration and allow the world and it’s infinite subjects to tell us its story. Imagine the stories an empty page or blank canvas holds for such an open mind.
if we only remember to listen.
Peace, Eric