An Awesome Responsibility

eric mccarty
2 min readApr 9, 2024
An Awesome Responsibility — Kindness — Headless Now — Lyrical Prose — Moca McCarty Photo

An awesome responsibility:

what an awesome responsibility we each have, everyone of us, having the power to be kind and contribute to the collective happiness of the world. And this isn’t an overwhelming task at all, no, it’s simply micro actions done with hardly a notice, friendliness done on a daily basis.

it’s easy really.

so why is this our responsibility?

because we’re able to.

that’s the only answer, we’re able to be kind by choice as well as possessing an innate wish for the well being of others. It’s Darwinian, survival of the friendliest, that we thrive through cooperation, not just within family or ever community, but with the environment as well, seeing the world ourselves as belonging within an ecological whole. Charles Darwin never actually stated the theory of survival of the fittest, it was actual a phrase attributed to Herbert Spencer and those believing in “social Darwinism” as an attempt to justify their stance on racial superiority. Darwin himself put forth the idea that cooperation and friendliness was far from a social construct, but a deeply ingrained survival instinct.

with this we could rightly say that it’s our responsibility to a well ordered society to be kind, an awesome one indeed, that are friendliness has a far reaching influence past a…



eric mccarty

Writer, prose poetry, meditation teacher and lifetime student