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animacy is a grammatical distinction that refers to the degree in which an object is perceived to be alive, it’s a distinction of awareness given to something other than ourselves. In a deeper context though it seems to be a shared experience, that aliveness recognizes itself through the lens of my perception, consciousness in a nod to its own awareness. With language simply being a reflection of the intimacy of life. The greater the animacy spoken…the more our world becomes alive.
yet I know little of grammatical rules, much to my mother’s dismay, a grade school English teacher, as well as the nuns who did their most disciplined best to teach me proper rules. My own best writing comes by feel, intuitive, and taking considerable liberties with language. Words are alive to me, active things that have a will of their own, an urge for how they wished to be displayed.
grammar factors little in their desire to be expressed.
they have an animacy of their own.
everything does.
and it seems a heightened sense of arrogance for me to grant anything a degree of life, it would mean that the world no longer speaks to me in soft intimacy, or worse, that I no longer listen to the whispers that life has gifted to me. My writing would grow stale, a reflection of my own lack of animacy. So it seems to work both ways, my animacy is granted by the degree that I am able to sense the aliveness of the world, my ability to listen being the key to this connection.
animacy is intrinsic to life.
and everything’s alive.
we only have to listen.
Peace, Eric