Member-only story
Being Told
Being told:
everything’s some sort of story being told, it’s an easy way to navigate through life and lends itself to a greater understanding of the world. Stories define us, giving sense to events, and providing familiar objects their meaning. We are chapters of family history, bodies being told as functions, personalities expressed in ways that make us individuals — and everything’s believed true, no longer stories but the excepted facts of who we are.
yet stories just the same.
science is a great story teller, and so often serve as a useful chapter of reality to rely on, a narration of events that serves to deepen knowledge, advance the cause of medicine, and bring keener insight to how we view life and understand our place within the universe. But even still it remains a story, a fiction of reality being told for ourselves alone. It’s a story with many benefits, yet science will never truly capture any bottom line of reality. It has to always be a never ending story-line, adding to it’s narration even as its insights are reduced to the most subtlest aspects that can possibly be expressed. Science has too many chapters involved and will never be the story of nothing being told as everything.
and that seems to be reality.
yet also just another story.