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Entire Meditation
The entire meditation:
mantra is the entire meditation, whole and complete in its easy occurrence, nothing is forced, no effort is given to thinking the mantra, and a natural pull towards a quiet mind follows its repetition. That’s the simplicity of meditation, it’s not an exercise in mindfulness, nor the use of concentration, we think the mantra and allow the silence to unfold completely on its own.
like magic.
or science really,
and the two are not really exclusive from each other, with science simply being an explanation of the natural magic of the mind and world. Meditation is both magic and scientific in its description, it speaks the dual language of mind and soul, material and immaterial, the manifest world and the promise of the most subtlest vibration to potentially come to form. It’s one language bridging soul and world and it’s found naturally in the mantra, a vibration acting as a word, no more than a faint impression gently given to the mind to hold. The mantra is the entire meditation, or at least that’s the description that I use for now, an easy explanation for the process that unfolds.
it’s the entire meditation because the mantra is just a vibration, no meaning to the words, and in it’s use we match its quiet tones, vibrating to ever more subtle levels of stillness just by its repetition. The…