
eric mccarty
2 min readMar 26, 2021
Experiencing — Headless Now — Misty — Moca McCarty Photo


always of the moment, experiencing — and this is how life flows, and I’m included through it all. It’s really that simple. This is the suchness of the Buddhist expression, that each moment is unique, yet not apart from the length of our existence, and that what occurs, the experience, is not separate from my awareness. Indeed, to even be aware is part of this, it belongs as experiencing itself, just another aspect to this flow, life in conscious wonder.

what I’ve found, through a lifetime of claiming events as my experience, and noting myself as aware, conscious of what’ happening around me, to me — is that this too, this observer, is simply part of the experience as well. There’s only experiencing, life, and the one who claims to be witness is only an aspect in what’s occurring.

my true self, is of the moment.

and this true self is changeable, unique as every moment too.

but it’s never set apart as some silent observer to events, it’s not the ultimate witness that survives these passing moments. My true self belongs as life, aware, and somehow able to know that this is so. This self is experiencing, always present tense, always belonging to the moment now at hand. It’s in no way separate from the event of life itself.

it- is.

and it’s constant, life refusing to be defined as anything but motion. How could I belong to this and claim myself as anything static, or any any final sense of being true at all? To be free is to be motion, the course of life, and the realization that even stillness allows itself as movement.

my true self — is right now.






eric mccarty

Writer, prose poetry, meditation teacher and lifetime student