Member-only story
Greatest Joy
Greatest joy:
my preference is a slow rise to meet the morning, first offering a thankful prayer that I’m alive to greet another day and then immediately begin the rituals that bring me greatest joy. This starts with sukhasana, easy pose, my very first asana and used to sit in meditation. It’s a joyful pose for me, connecting me to ground, lengthening spine, and hips gently stretched. My morning begins with prayer, yoga, and meditation, without fail, rituals that lead me with ease through the rest of my day.
there’s more from here, a longer session of yoga follows, and then preparing my single cup of coffee that’s cherished for it’s connection to my writing, how that first sip always triggers my creative response — it means it’s time to write, everything leading to this exact point of receiving inspiration.
writing might be the most important ritual of all.
it’s the fulfillment of my dharma.
or at least brings me greatest joy.
but the truth is, none of these rituals can be separated from another, my entire morning is far too seamless now to view any aspect broken from the whole. It’s one complete expression told in chapters of a morning story, all without end, spontaneously expressed through the vibrant voice of life. My greatest joy is simply being alive and it’s that energy that causes my initial morning prayer, brings me to an easy pose of silent meditation, and then asking for the motion of my body.
that’s my yoga.
all of this.
it’s the fulfillment of my dharma.
and brings me greatest joy.
Peace, Eric