How We Appear

eric mccarty
2 min readJan 29, 2023
How We Appear — Prose Poetry — Inquiry and Meditation — Headless Now — Moca McCarty Photo

How we appear:

how we appear — and I don’t mean in the eyes of others, nor by our own self-judgement, but that our appearance is an ever changing state of cells composed of elements made of atoms that have existed since the first moments after the universe was created. How we appear is a miracle, by all rights matter itself shouldn’t have survived the quick expansion of the universe, only energy in its purest form, and yet somehow a small amount of matter survived, a particle filled world exists, everything exactly and precisely being in a way that allows for our appearance.

mainly though…we appear as energy.

our main source of mass is energy, those ancient particles being far too tiny to hold any sort of form completely on their own and that our appearance comes from a dance of sub atomic particles, between quakes and gluons, two elementary particles that offer contrast in their interaction, creating a field of energy that becomes the basis for our bodies.

we are literally a field of energy…

being danced into existence.

and that’s how we appear.

of course my science here is weak, barely touching upon the intricacies of existence, and truthfully any further explanation is far beyond my ability to explain. I only have a surface understanding of physics, even less of…



eric mccarty

Writer, prose poetry, meditation teacher and lifetime student