I Forgive
I forgive:
I’m often asked if I believe in the metaphysics behind A Course in Miracles, that the world is an illusion of our mind and not one that God has actually created. Or, sometimes, there’s the question of if I even believe in God at all -and honestly,
I have no easy answers.
but that’s not a problem for me.
yes, I believe that we’ve created a world based up our individual and collective projections, it’s illusory, perceptual, and has gone terribly wrong in it’s function. I also have a firm belief in a God of reality, an all pervading intelligence that is wholly made of love. This is a love of creation itself, unconditional in it’s clear acceptance.
I could be wrong.
maybe some, or even most of this, isn’t really true.
and I’m alright with this.
it doesn’t change anything for me.
here’s the thing, I don’t practice metaphysics, nor any principles of an esoteric system. My practice, tried and true for me — is simply love. It’s based on forgiveness as taught through the Course. And the reason for this is because, for me, it works. I forgive, and return to peace, a loving sense that’s undisturbed by circumstance and events, being always available should I be in need.
no metaphysics are involved.
nothing esoteric,
I forgive.
and return to love.
Peace, Eric