Member-only story
In Grace And Mystery
In grace and mystery:
nothing is bestowed to us from some higher order, no grace is found apart from living — life presents itself in mystery, yet we are never separate from its hold. What’s true is always available, immediate, and supports us. It doesn’t have to be fully understood, nor assigned to something distant, another power different than our own. It’s all life, reality, one thing in grace and mystery.
it’s who we really are.
this alone is our holy scripture, life heard daily through nature — to hear the morning stir, birds in early song, insects calling back and forth, a slight breeze whispers through an open window. It’s not a distant voice, it’s now, present, and instructs us to be alive. It reminds us that we belong to every moment fully, exactly as we are, without need for things to be holier than they are right now.
life always accepts us where we’re found.
our every true prayer is simply the breath — receiving life through a personal brush of air, sustained by this touch, intimate in giving, shared in its release as a common breath to all the world. This is both grace and mystery, unseen, unasked for, yet given freely. Ours is the very breath of God, an every moment communion of life, and air, in all its grace and mystery.
it’s present now.
this is the heaven we’ve been promised, our transcendental moment, nirvana — it’s the current breath received, morning sounds, the immediacy of life right now. It’s not bestowed to us from anything other than this very moment. It’s the gift of true self…
in all its grace and mystery.