Member-only story
Just One Teacher

Only one teacher:
my entire life is now seen as a choice I’ve made between two teachers, not even aware, and so mostly choosing wrong in my alliance with the ego. There was no free will involved in this, as that would assume an awareness that a choice existed, or that I even knew that I had an option to a kinder, more gentle teacher to guide me on my way.
so I always listened to the voice of ego, believing in my own self interest and never giving consideration that I was continuously being taught that I was separate from the world, a small entity that always had to protect itself from others. Of course my true teacher was there all along, always present, being a loving urge to reconsider every choice the ego made.
this teacher never told me that I wrong…
only to review my options.
the ego, a false option, always teachers its own self-preservation. It bargains, negotiating for its continuation as a special voice within. The Holy Spirit, my one true teacher, just quietly awaits for my return to its gentle way teaching. There’s a knowing here that only love is real and everything else is a false lesson of the ego’s survival.
I’m not asked to chose against the ego.
that’s not my lesson.
for really,
there is no choice,
just love.
and only one teacher.
Love, Eric