Like Yoga
Like Yoga:
for the first time in several years I slept in this morning, granting myself almost an hour past my regular waking time. Still, this got me out of bed by 3:00 a.m, with plenty of time to work through my routine, my pace a bit more hurried, but everything accomplished. This little extra rest felt much needed, my nights have been extended some lately, so a little less sleep than I’m used to. As well I’m under the weather, a bug of some kind, and my body is urging me to recover, to be gentle, and tend to its needs.
so I’m listening.
honestly it’s taken me some time to arrive here, my body has always felt like an instrument that performed well when given a task to perform. I’ve pushed myself through some extremes in the past, physical goals, events, and, I think, just wishing to be in control of something. In a world in which I felt I had so little influence, I could, at the very least, push my body to it’s limits.
the last few years have shown me otherwise though.
my life is much more gentle now.
happier too.
oddly, it also seems I’m more disciplined, waking up just after 2:00 a.m for breathwork, meditation, and yoga. I follow this with writing and my first walk of the morning, and the day still holds a workout, more yoga, and some…