My Practice is Curiosity

eric mccarty
2 min readNov 11, 2021
Practice Curiosity — Poetry — Headless Now — Moca McCarty Photo

My practice is curiosity:

my practice is curiosity, and it’s less about belief than it is intuitions, that I am led to certain considerations of ideas and views, teachers, and these capture a moment of my attention. I’m curious about possibilities and entertain them not as truth, but as to what they offer — do they broaden my world in any way, appeal to my imagination? Nothing has to be true in any ultimate sense, and there is no reason (for me) to adopt a system of belief that limits, or insists for me to follow.

my only real practice is curiosity.

my beliefs on spiritual matters are few, and even these are given the flexibility to be wrong, more shown to be guidelines to help me navigate the world. This frees me of religion, any strict rules to follow that limit curiosity in anyway. The scientific view is that what’s considered true is open to be proven wrong, that reality is always more than what’s known right now. But even some scientist are limited in their view, captured by their own belief systems, dismissing possibilities that their intuition might show. The character Wiggs Danyboy, in Tom Robbins wonderful novel Jitterbug Perfume, declares that the universe does not have laws, it has habits, and habits can be broken. What we now know as laws, are really just interpretations and might one day be expanded.



eric mccarty

Writer, prose poetry, meditation teacher and lifetime student