Member-only story
Only This
Only this:
only this, and that’s the realization, that there is nothing more than life happening right now — from the most subtle levels of energetic structure, particles dancing as vibrations through an infinite field of emptiness, and all the way to the present moment of what seems a mundane reality of our daily existence, only this, true magic really, life…being.
it’s what we are.
only this.
of course it seems obvious, science details our existence with keen insight and continuous investigating, offering deeper explanations to our mystery with every passing year. We know of the structure of DNA and it’s course through time, how our personal state of being is mapped through the genetic material passed through ancient ages. Quantum physics describes our world as energy, vibrations that dance the daily reality of what seems solid and enduring, creating the very foundation of our lives. We have answers to certain mysteries, explanations given as to how our world ever came to be.
yet nothing explains why?
and more so, science seems to imply that this is all a study of separate parts, branches of reality that somehow don’t tie together within our very own existence. Science is all self-study, inquiry, a deep dive within a continuous, evolving, fluid sense of being. We are not removed from this sense in…