Member-only story
Out of Season
Out of season:
it can be a heartbreaking month for me, February, through no fault of its own really, but only due to my rush for spring and refusal to accept the present season and all that it offers. Often in these last several weeks of winter there is a false taste of early spring, warmer days, and thoughts of snow and ice seem so far away. I love these days, they’re a gift out of season and should be treasured as such. Today is an example, in the final week of January and it’s to reach the high 60’s, just days after bitter cold and snowfall. It’s hard for me not to wish this warmth to stay.
yet a gift is to be accepted without conditions added on.
and it’s still winter after all.
any heartbreak is my own delusion.
so I cherish this day, a gift offered out of season, and do my best to accept without adding my demands for its length of stay and for more to follow. It’s enough to simply feel the warmth of the sun’s rays against my skin, unencumbered by layers of bulky clothes, and to even acknowledge that the breeze still hints of winter’s present hold. Nothing is really out of season, a gift isn’t removed from it’s current place and offered as an anomaly, it always and fully belongs to the moment that it’s given.
so February is soon to begin, another month of winter left, and colder days…