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Reality At Hand
Reality at hand:
all we ever experience is the truth, reality at hand — and yet our minds most often interpret things as being false, not believing the initial sincerity of each moment, and then quickly translating events and objects to fit a preconceived notion of the world. Truth itself is beyond our explanations, too simple really for words, but it’s always available as the actual experience of the present moment, expressed in Zen as the suchness of right now, raw, and unadorned as yet by our descriptions.
reality at hand.
of course truth is fluid, being capable of infinite expressions, and our minds are usually unable to comprehend its many guises. We insist on things being exactly as long believed, easily understood, and fitting our ideas of how everything should be. The idea of a fluid truth is frightening to our senses, we want a solid world, available and immediate to our fingers, exactly as perceived by eyes and ears. The truth is that reality is always an interpretation of what’s currently happening, how the unseen is converted to a visible world, vibrations slowed to reach our senses and made easier for us to understand and navigate the world.
but our first experience is always of the moment, reality at hand, suchness.
this is the truth, right now, whatever we experience before interpretation and even…