Member-only story
To Be Consoled
To be consoled:
it’s at this point in the prayer that an profound realization seeps in, asking that we seek not to be consoled but only to have the depth of heart to console others — by now we come to the understanding that our own best interest arrives through the light of service, we wish to offer comfort to those who suffer while knowing that this very act of care provides for our every need as well.
as the sage Ramana Maharshi stated…
there are no others.
and that’s the path of service, a heart-path, not leading home, but only revealing that heaven is already present through every act of care. Tending to those who suffer is enlightenment itself, no need for ashram or temples, our own presence, open and spacious, is given as a place worship. This is where love is found, in the willingness to listen, truly so, with full body attendance, accepting the grief, the sorrow and despair of others…knowing too that they our our own.
grant that I not so much seek to be consoled,
as to realize that there are no others,
only love.
and this is what is shared.
Love, Eric