
eric mccarty
2 min readMar 26, 2023
Transcended — Reality — Headless Now — Prose Poetry — Meditation — Moca McCarty Photo


and now it’s seems less an exploration of an interior silence and more of simply being continuously surrendered to an underlying presence, reality, and that I have no idea how deeply quiet my mind becomes with every point transcended. It truly appears infinite, without layers, and that any previous levels of awareness were only imagined for convenience, an easy means of navigating through the world.

that’s the failure of certain words, saying that some point of mind has been transcended when really it wasn’t there at all, reality being without true and sure lines, and again only that underlying presence being found. Every description fails with this, and yet they also capture exactly how it seems at times. I’m writing paradox, happily so, as words are what I have to play with and they emerge seamlessly from the same silent hold I’m seeking to describe.

transcended is a beautiful word, fitting to its occasion.

mostly though, I’m not trying to offer a description, nor to map an experience that reality has offered me during meditation. It’s prose, lyrical, and it springs from a silent mind, urging to be written without need of being valued for what’s described, but only for the sake of their own expression. Nothing is ever really transcended, there are no new levels of reality discovered. Here’s what meditation does, for me at…



eric mccarty

Writer, prose poetry, meditation teacher and lifetime student