Member-only story
Who We Truly Are
Who we truly are:
perhaps they’re more natural, innate, that our values stem from a deep sense of who we truly are, basic and without compromise, and then so readily expressed to the world. If we were never at all exposed to the opinions or the belief of others through school, religion, or media, our values would still surface to the fore, guide us, and provide a sure foundation. Our beliefs are temporary, changeable, and often easily manipulated by ourselves and others for benefit and profit — and yet it’s our values that are betrayed, hurt by our refusal to be guided, and our lives becomes incongruent, almost unacceptable, we no longer recognize who we truly are.
that’s the power of values.
yes, values are more natural, they are inherent through the very fabric of our existence, lasting, and aren’t so much taught as they are allowed to surface and be expressed, recognized and nurtured. Again, we express values, principles that exist deep within us, and they are easily shown through unguarded moments, displayed through every act of love and compassion, wisdom, and simple kindness. Values tell others who we truly are.
they show the entire world.
and that’s the difference with beliefs, those are a projection of who we wish to be, often a false show of confidence and power, afraid of any sense of vulnerability…