Without Meaning

eric mccarty
2 min readJun 19, 2021
Without Meaning — Poetry — Headless Now — Moca McCarty Photo

Without meaning:

science points to a universe without meaning, purposeless with exception of its own function — and with no grand designer to make it all appear. The world, and stars, and the infinite space of between, arose spontaneously, without divine order. In this regard we are simply a function of life, highly evolved, yet not of anymore significant than any other ape, and certainly no more so than the other countless lifeforms that make this planet home.

and yet…

there is some magic here,

it’s the miracle of existence. That we are here, alive, and without real reason as to why any of this should be. Somehow, we were given as the universe. Home. Our purpose is simplicity itself — we only have to exist, without question of worth nor design.

to just be.

do we need more than this?

for most of us, it seems we do — we’ve imagined purpose where none exists, dreaming of gods in our own image, and claiming dominion of the world. We believe our purpose is control. Worse, we believe this has been granted as our right. This is where we miss the true magic, a universe capable of a spontaneous event so large as to bring itself into existence. And it all continues even now, expanding, new stars created and collapsing through infinite exchange. We exist because a star once…



eric mccarty

Writer, prose poetry, meditation teacher and lifetime student